How to connect with depressed friends - Bill Bernat
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Want to connect with a depressed friend but not sure how to relate to them? Comedian and storyteller Bill Bernat has a few suggestions. Learn some dos and don'ts for talking to people living with depression -- and handle your next conversation with grace and maybe a bit of humor.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
There are all kinds of mood disorders – sometimes referred to as affective disorders. Depression, for example, is a major mood disorder. In other words, it’s a medical illness that is characterized by an abnormally low mood that is accompanied by a sense of lacking control.
Watch this video to learn more about depression, mental illness and how you can help to change the way people think about mental health.
It’s important to be aware of the signs of depression and seek treatment. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
Stigma is an even bigger problem than depression itself. It’s what causes people to suffer in silence, on average for a decade, before ever reaching out for help. According to the WHO nearly 350 million people suffer from this medical condition – so if you or someone you know has depression, they are certainly not alone.
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