06:05 Design, Engineering & Technology Why don’t companies want you to repair your stuff? Lesson duration 06:05 581,370 Views
05:20 Health 3 reasons why medications are so expensive in the US Lesson duration 05:20 203,225 Views
18:38 Business & Economics How the US is destroying young people’s future - Scott Galloway Lesson duration 18:38 6,998,556 Views
04:37 Health What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow? Lesson duration 04:37 1,027,127 Views
25:45 Science & Technology What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know - Al Gore Lesson duration 25:45 780,889 Views
17:05 Social Studies How labor unions shape society - Margaret Levi Lesson duration 17:05 62,222 Views
10:33 Business & Economics How streaming caused the TV writers strike Lesson duration 10:33 2,349,494 Views
19:09 Social Studies The case for free, universal basic services - Aaron Bastani Lesson duration 19:09 85,410 Views
11:49 Business & Economics How college loans exploit students for profit - Sajay Samuel Lesson duration 11:49 231,306 Views
05:43 Business & Economics These companies with no CEO are thriving Lesson duration 05:43 296,143 Views
07:39 Environmental Science Where do your online returns go? - Aparna Mehta Lesson duration 07:39 84,856 Views
05:05 Social Studies How one of the most profitable companies in history rose to power Lesson duration 05:05 883,783 Views