15:18 Philosophy & Religion I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left - Megan Phelps-Roper Lesson duration 15:18 6,711,759 Views
06:32 Thinking & Learning 3 ways to measure your adaptability— and how to improve it - Natalie Fratto Lesson duration 06:32 339,941 Views
12:22 Psychology Why some people are more altruistic than others - Abigail Marsh Lesson duration 12:22 389,005 Views
13:31 Health How to build your confidence— and spark it in others - Brittany Packnett Lesson duration 13:31 2,000,743 Views
05:08 Social Psychology Why incompetent people think they're amazing Lesson duration 05:08 11,729,421 Views
06:10 Philosophy Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body? Lesson duration 06:10 3,240,139 Views
06:15 Medical Conditions What happens when you have a concussion? Lesson duration 06:15 2,332,793 Views
21:03 Social Psychology Your body language shapes who you are - Amy Cuddy Lesson duration 21:03 1,069,371 Views