04:32 Philosophy & Religion The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld Lesson duration 04:32 7,471,593 Views
05:54 Literature & Language Harry Potter and the translator's nightmare Lesson duration 05:54 3,976,079 Views
04:46 Geography How much of human history is on the bottom of the ocean? Lesson duration 04:46 1,634,229 Views
04:34 Visual Arts Why is Vermeer's "Girl with the Pearl Earring" considered a masterpiece? Lesson duration 04:34 5,389,051 Views
03:47 Environmental Science What would happen if the world went vegetarian? Lesson duration 03:47 7,546,740 Views
04:53 Performing Arts The history of African-American social dance Lesson duration 04:53 795,078 Views
09:12 Public Health How Americans got stuck with endless drug commercials Lesson duration 09:12 3,208,367 Views
04:39 Geometry How the Königsberg bridge problem changed mathematics Lesson duration 04:39 1,409,599 Views
10:09 Global Economics Why can't we just print money to pay off debt? Lesson duration 10:09 4,184,137 Views
01:48 Design, Engineering & Technology How coffee got quicker | Moments of Vision 2 Lesson duration 01:48 455,129 Views