07:02 Life Sciences Isabel Behncke: Evolution's gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans Lesson duration 07:02 82,841 Views
15:05 Motivation and Emotion Stanford University Commencement 2005 - Steve Jobs Lesson duration 15:05 45,723,146 Views
03:08 Teaching & Education Introducing TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing Lesson duration 03:08 418,510 Views
05:46 Life Sciences Sex determination: More complicated than you thought Lesson duration 05:46 4,511,582 Views
09:02 Performing Arts Stories: Legacies of who we are - Awele Makeba Lesson duration 09:02 73,259 Views
07:21 Environmental Science The seas of plastic - Captain Charles Moore Lesson duration 07:21 221,781 Views