04:58 Literature & Language Zen kōans: unsolvable enigmas designed to break your brain Lesson duration 04:58 3,036,248 Views
17:25 Teaching & Education How teachers can help kids find their political voices - Sydney Chaffee Lesson duration 17:25 97,836 Views
04:53 History What really happened to the Library of Alexandria? Lesson duration 04:53 2,779,859 Views
05:20 Social Studies How the Normans changed the history of Europe Lesson duration 05:20 3,235,782 Views
05:17 Design, Engineering & Technology How feng shui shaped Hong Kong's skyline Lesson duration 05:17 3,604,566 Views
03:27 Social Studies Why don't country flags use the color purple? Lesson duration 03:27 10,346,753 Views
19:01 Design, Engineering & Technology New bionics let us run, climb and dance - Hugh Herr Lesson duration 19:01 15,189,163 Views
04:40 Literature & Language How can you change someone's mind? (hint: facts aren't always enough) Lesson duration 04:40 2,198,993 Views
04:49 Social Studies The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman Lesson duration 04:49 1,911,966 Views
03:10 Science & Technology Where does the smell of rain come from? Lesson duration 03:10 806,917 Views
04:34 Social Studies A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian doctor Lesson duration 04:34 6,495,289 Views
03:51 Earth and Space Science How your split ends can help clean oil spills Lesson duration 03:51 2,775,754 Views