Why do we sweat? - John Murnan
40,101 Questions Answered
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There are a number of scenarios that can make us sweat–including exercise, eating spicy foods, and nervousness. But how does this substance suddenly materialize, and what exactly is its purpose? John Murnan explores the science behind sweat.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
The question "why do we sweat?" ties into the larger issue of how our bodies manage water. At the core of this question is the hypothalamus and its ability to regulate not only the sweat response, but also the thirst reflex and urine production. This page from the Hydration for Health Initiative does a good job of describing all of the complex interactions. In the TED-Ed lesson What would happen if you didn’t drink water? Mia Nacamulli explores the effects of dehydration and overhydration.
About TED-Ed Animations
TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »
Meet The Creators
- Educator John Murnan
- Director Antonio Eder, Walkir Fernandes
- Script Editor Emma Bryce
- Producer Antonio Eder, Walkir Fernandes
- Designer Lais Tissiani Dutra, Antonio Eder, Karen Carnaval
- Art Director Lais Tissiani Dutra, Antonio Eder, Karen Carnaval
- Character Designer Lais Tissiani Dutra, Antonio Eder, Karen Carnaval
- Layout Artist Lais Tissiani Dutra, Antonio Eder, Karen Carnaval
- Storyboard Artist Paulo Gerloff
- Animator Lucas Baranowski, Thiago do Carmo, Angélica Botini, Aluisio Barbosa, Misael Alves
- Compositor Vadeco Schettini , Julio Muzzi, Edson Borth
- Sound Designer Vadeco Schettini , Julio Muzzi, Edson Borth
- Editor Aluisio Barbosa, Misael Alves
- Associate Producer Jessica Ruby
- Content Producer Gerta Xhelo
- Editorial Producer Alex Rosenthal
- Narrator Addison Anderson