What causes migraines? - Marianne Schwarz
4,160 Questions Answered
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A throbbing, pounding headache. Bright zigzagging lines across your field of vision. Sensitivity to light, lingering fatigue, disrupted sleep. While an incapacitating headache is one of the most common symptoms, a migraine can include any of these experiences. So what exactly is a migraine? And what causes it? Marianne Schwarz explores what we know— and don't know— about this complex disorder.
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With knowledge of the migraine phases, we can start to explain why some therapies work by their actions on this pathway. Dopamine blocking drugs could potentially work in the prodromal phase, where its release is governed by the hypothalamus. Drugs designed to block CGRP and the CGRP receptors can be effective in treating and preventing migraines. Other medications reduce stop pain by blocking CGRP release. Regular onabotulinim toxin injections, used in the cosmetic industry for skin wrinkles, can also effectively prevent migraines by blocking CGRP release from nerve endings. Devices periodically applied to the head and neck, such as single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation or non-invasive vagal nerve stimulation may treat migraines by blocking the changes in charge (cortical spreading depolarization) spreading over the cerebral cortex, for example. These as well as non-pharmacologic strategies such as avoidance of migraine triggers and exercise can help manage migraine attacks.
Every migraineur is unique and not all treatments are safe or suitable for everyone. Treatment options should always be reviewed with a qualified physician prior to starting them.
About TED-Ed Animations
TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »
Meet The Creators
- Educator Marianne Schwarz
- Director Bálint Gelley, CUB Animation Ltd.
- Narrator Alexandra Panzer
- Storyboard Artist Daniel Gray
- Animator Rebeka Király, Iván Tamás
- Compositor Iván Tamás
- Art Director Anna Tőkés
- Music József Iszlai
- Sound Designer József Iszlai
- Director of Production Gerta Xhelo
- Editorial Director Alex Rosenthal
- Producer Bethany Cutmore-Scott
- Editorial Producer Elizabeth Cox
- Fact-Checker Eden Girma