What causes migraines? - Marianne Schwarz
4,168 Questions Answered
Let’s Begin…
A throbbing, pounding headache. Bright zigzagging lines across your field of vision. Sensitivity to light, lingering fatigue, disrupted sleep. While an incapacitating headache is one of the most common symptoms, a migraine can include any of these experiences. So what exactly is a migraine? And what causes it? Marianne Schwarz explores what we know— and don't know— about this complex disorder.
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About TED-Ed Animations
TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »
Meet The Creators
- Educator Marianne Schwarz
- Director Bálint Gelley, CUB Animation Ltd.
- Narrator Alexandra Panzer
- Storyboard Artist Daniel Gray
- Animator Rebeka Király, Iván Tamás
- Compositor Iván Tamás
- Art Director Anna Tőkés
- Music József Iszlai
- Sound Designer József Iszlai
- Director of Production Gerta Xhelo
- Editorial Director Alex Rosenthal
- Producer Bethany Cutmore-Scott
- Editorial Producer Elizabeth Cox
- Fact-Checker Eden Girma