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Navigating Our Global Future - Ian Goldin


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TED Talk

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As globalization and technological advances bring us hurtling towards a new integrated future, Ian Goldin warns that not all people may benefit equally. But, he says, if we can recognize this danger, we might yet realize the possibility of improved life for everyone. Ian Goldin is director of the 21st Century School at Oxford. Through the school's program of research, collaboration and education, he's powering new, cross-disciplinary thinking about global problems from the near and far future.

Additional Resources for you to Explore

Goldin has this to say about government in the era of globalization: “We need to understand that the governance structure in the world is fossilized. It cannot begin to cope with the challenges that this [globalization] will bring. We have to develop a new way of managing the planet, collectively, through collective wisdom.” The United Nations is, arguably, one existing venue for ‘managing the planet, collectively, through collective wisdom.’ Research the history of the United Nations, the scope of its activities, its accomplishments and its failings. Do you think the UN could, with some modification, meet the needs that Goldin and others have articulated? Sponsor a debate or discussion with others who have investigated the question and compare your results. University of Oxford: James Martin 21st Century School Huffington Post: Only a new global system can handle a world of explosive risk (01/08/2010) YouTube: Professor Ian Goldin discusses the future (Voices From Oxford series) (11/10/2011)

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  • Speaker Ian Goldin

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