04:41 Literature & Language The tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice Lesson duration 04:41 8,458,234 Views
05:17 Literature & Language Why should you read Charles Dickens? Lesson duration 05:17 1,893,602 Views
05:03 Social Studies Why is Herodotus called “The Father of History”? Lesson duration 05:03 2,460,345 Views
04:58 Environmental Science What is the tragedy of the commons? Lesson duration 04:58 3,147,051 Views
05:08 Social Psychology Why incompetent people think they're amazing Lesson duration 05:08 11,729,738 Views
05:32 History How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific Ocean? Lesson duration 05:32 1,849,458 Views
03:01 Anthropology Explore cave paintings in this 360° animated cave Lesson duration 03:01 594,540 Views
04:41 Growth & Development The strange case of the cyclops sheep Lesson duration 04:41 1,770,150 Views
14:20 Social Studies A Saudi woman who dared to drive - Manal al-Sharif Lesson duration 14:20 18,634 Views
06:10 Philosophy Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body? Lesson duration 06:10 3,240,238 Views
05:41 Education Policy Should we get rid of standardized testing? Lesson duration 05:41 1,226,159 Views