04:57 Literature How Phillis Wheatley captured the attention of the world Lesson duration 04:57 192,599 Views
05:06 Social Studies The rise and fall of the medieval Islamic Empire Lesson duration 05:06 1,675,275 Views
05:24 Social Studies The 4 greatest threats to the survival of humanity Lesson duration 05:24 506,866 Views
16:52 Health The end of Roe v. Wade — and what comes next - Kathryn Kolbert Lesson duration 16:52 427,216 Views
04:43 Social Studies What do dumplings look like around the world? Lesson duration 04:43 984,037 Views
05:51 The Arts Artemisia Gentileschi: The woman behind the paintings Lesson duration 05:51 511,449 Views
10:26 Social Studies 3 myths about racism that keep the US from progress - Candis Watts Smith Lesson duration 10:26 86,841 Views
05:06 Literature & Language Love vs. Honor: The Irish myth of Diarmuid’s betrayal Lesson duration 05:06 756,045 Views
05:22 Design, Engineering & Technology How the Suez Canal changed the world Lesson duration 05:22 885,933 Views
05:10 Literature & Language The myth of the original star-crossed lovers Lesson duration 05:10 1,070,805 Views