12:27 Thinking & Learning Why some of us don't have one true calling - Emilie Wapnick Lesson duration 12:27 1,757,293 Views
05:54 Science & Technology Why no aquarium has a great white shark Lesson duration 05:54 32,131,072 Views
03:48 Linguistics One of the most difficult words to translate... Lesson duration 03:48 2,009,022 Views
06:50 Thinking & Learning What you don't know about who you will become Lesson duration 06:50 834,498 Views
04:39 Geometry How the Königsberg bridge problem changed mathematics Lesson duration 04:39 1,410,146 Views
10:09 Global Economics Why can't we just print money to pay off debt? Lesson duration 10:09 4,184,308 Views
04:32 Health Our natural sleep cycle is nothing like what we do now Lesson duration 04:32 596,033 Views
04:09 Environmental Science Are spotty fruits and vegetables safe to eat? Lesson duration 04:09 792,257 Views
12:21 Psychology How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed Lesson duration 12:21 17,948,755 Views
03:02 Science & Technology Could You Survive 2.5 Million Years Ago? Lesson duration 03:02 2,749,104 Views
04:14 Earth and Space Science How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth Lesson duration 04:14 2,710,883 Views
12:47 Psychology What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness Lesson duration 12:47 27,047,813 Views