16:00 Health Why domestic violence victims don’t leave - Leslie Morgan Steiner Lesson duration 16:00 4,670,454 Views
05:06 Design, Engineering & Technology Why doesn’t the Leaning Tower of Pisa fall over? Lesson duration 05:06 5,226,891 Views
03:45 Thinking & Learning Can you outsmart this logical fallacy? Lesson duration 03:45 2,059,608 Views
17:24 Health What almost dying taught me about living - Suleika Jaouad Lesson duration 17:24 637,483 Views
06:12 Design, Engineering & Technology The Furnace Bots | Think Like A Coder, Ep 3 Lesson duration 06:12 604,293 Views
20:19 Psychology My descent into America’s neo-Nazi movement— and how I got out - Christian Picciolini Lesson duration 20:19 1,732,371 Views
04:38 Literature & Language The myth of Loki and the master builder Lesson duration 04:38 2,555,039 Views
04:59 Critical Thinking Game theory challenge: Can you predict human behavior? Lesson duration 04:59 1,595,400 Views
05:06 Science & Technology How close are we to uploading our minds? Lesson duration 05:06 549,425 Views
05:38 Earth and Space Science Hawking's black hole paradox explained Lesson duration 05:38 3,774,920 Views
05:12 Design, Engineering & Technology How to 3D print human tissue Lesson duration 05:12 768,844 Views