Why should you read “Moby Dick”? - Sascha Morrell
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A mountain separating two lakes. A room papered floor to ceiling with bridal satins. The lid of an immense snuffbox. These seemingly unrelated images take us on a tour of a sperm whale’s head in Herman Melville’s "Moby Dick." Though the book features pirates, typhoons, high-speed chases, and giant squid, it’s anything but a conventional seafaring adventure. Sascha Morrell digs into the classic novel.
Moby-Dick makes connections between many different branches of learning. Why might a writer choose to address complex philosophical and scientific questions through a fictional narrative rather than using a non-fiction form, such as an essay?
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Sascha Morrell
- Director Martina Meštrović
- Narrator Adrian Dannatt
- Animator Martina Meštrović
- Storyboard Artist Martina Meštrović
- Art Director Martina Meštrović
- Sound Designer Stephen LaRosa
- Music Stephen LaRosa
- Director of Production Gerta Xhelo
- Editorial Director Alex Rosenthal
- Producer Bethany Cutmore-Scott
- Editorial Producer Elizabeth Cox
- Script Editor Iseult Gillespie
- Fact-Checker Eden Girma