The beneficial bacteria that make delicious food - Erez Garty
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Where does bread get its fluffiness? Swiss cheese its holes? And what makes vinegar so sour? These foods may taste completely different, but all of these phenomena come from microorganisms chowing down on sugar and belching up some culinary byproducts. Erez Garty shows how your kitchen functions as a sort of biotechnology lab, manned by microorganisms that culture your cuisine.
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Erez Garty
- Director Stuart Simpson
- Artist Lauren Ellis
- Narrator Addison Anderson
by Justin White
Justin White
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What would happen if we didn't have microorgnisms?
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Joshua Azad
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we would have a differnt body strusture cause then we have to find a differnt way to live
Andres Jijon
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we woud of never eexisted
Marcus Wilkerson
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If they were to be dissipated now I think we would be okay, we would just lose a lot of the stuff we know and love today. However, if they never existed in the first place we would never exist either.
Joshua Azad
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if we didnt have micro organisms i dont think we wouldnt look the way we look cuase now we have to adapt to the fact we dont have a micro orginisms
Anyla Harrison
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Without it, they would die and the entire food webs would collapse