The danger of silence - Clint Smith
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"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.
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- Speaker Clint Smith
Lauren McAlpine
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Why is being silent a privilege? What is a time in your life you wish you had spoken up?
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Emilia García
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Because you can listen to other opinions, points of view, about their experiences and realities. Also, when you decide not to speak you can understand yourself better and make a judgment of your own to know yourself better.
I wish I had spoken up many times, especially when I had a different point of view or when I didn't agree with something or someone.
Elena Danysh
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I think being silent is not a privilege. Everyday we face a lot of different moments which we are contemplating whether to talk or to be silent. To give an example, if something corrupted is going in the school such as test cheating, or bullying, and you see it, it is good for YOU to be quiet. Because everyone doesn't want to be involved in that situation. But, if you think once more about what is right and just, you should tell a principal or a teacher. This is a privilege which you can have with your voice.
Hind Habash
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I don’t think being silent is a privilege.when people started bullied me and I didn’t respond
Xavier Nimmons
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I think that silence is a privilege but it's only a privilege for the ones who need it. I've been silent for most of my life which kept me from getting what I needed to succeed. I mainly kept myself silent because I was afraid to ask for help from others.
Eve Penaluna
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i do not believe being silent is a privilege all the time. sometimes speaking your option isn't always going to help a situation or could even make things worse. there has been heaps of times where i was getting bullied and didnt speak up for myself and let it happen.
alyssa morris
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I think being silent is a privilege and a curse. It is a privilege because it makes it easier to ignore issues and makes you feel like your keeping your self out of a situation/ not have to get involved. I also think its a curse because by being silent you let whatever issue it is that you'er being silent about go on and on and become a bigger issue or not getting resolved. A time in my life when i wish i would have spoken up was when people would make fun of my friend and call her many names and say rude things about her.
Osmar Munoz
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Silence is not a privilege but a tool you can use when you wanna avoid arguments, but you should not use it when needed to be heard. A time in my life were I wished I had spoken up was when I was getting in trouble for something I didn't do but since I chose silence nothing changed and I was the one who got in trouble.
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I believe that the only benefit/privilege you'll get from being silent is not having to prove why your reasoning is right and why theirs isn't or having to get out of sticky situations, getting away from situations and just coming to terms with things even if you don't fully agree with what is said, just to avoid conflict. I wish I had spoken up when I disagreed with the things that were being said or done.
hector franco
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its a privilege that everyone has I feel like silence is something you can't take away we use it for so many reasons to get out of arguments express sadness we use it for so many emotions
Peter uriarte
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I think that being silent is not a privilege because everybody can speak up but some people think they cant and thats caused by things like fear.