The case of the missing fractals - Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan
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Let’s Begin…
A bump on the
head, a mysterious femme fatale and a strange encounter on a windswept peak all add up to a heck of a night for Manny Brot, Private
Eye. Watch as he tries his hand at saving the dame and getting the cash! Shudder at the mind-bending geometric riddles! Thrill to the stunning solution of The Case of the Missing Fractals.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
For a straightforward, illustrated guide to fractals, you can check out Introducing Fractal Geometry.
NOVA documentary about fractals that includes interviews with Benoit Mandelbrot.
A great explanation of how the Mandelbrot set is generated.
You can use this program to generate and explore fractals.
A music video rendition of Jonathan Coulton’s Mandelbrot Set
A more complete definition of fractals than the one found in this video is:
- Fractals are generated through iteration (repeating the same operation infinitely)
- Fractals display self similarity (they’re repeat the same patterns no matter how much you zoom in)
- Fractals have fractional Hausdorff dimension. Essentially, this means that they’re rougher than platonic solids—more jagged and with fewer smooth, predictable curves. If you were to walk through a thicket of fractals, they’d stick to your clothes a lot more than spheres and cubes would.
This Wikipedia page lists quite a few fractals in increasing order of Hausdorff dimension.
Imagine a two-dimensional world -- you, your friends, everything is 2D. In his 1884 novella, Edwin Abbott invented this world and called it Flatland. Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan take the premise of Flatland one dimension further, imploring us to consider how we would see dimensions different from our own and why the exploration just may be worth it.
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TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »
Meet The Creators
- Educator Alex Rosenthal, George Zaidan
- Director Jeremiah Dickey
- Animation Artist Lisa LaBracio
- Composer Stephen LaRosa
- Narrator George Zaidan