Less stuff, more happiness - Graham Hill
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Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.
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In your personal life, how do you manifest the old adage, "Less is more"?
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Alex English
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I would love to recommend this video available online as well. The message it conveys can be encompassed within this statement: 'excess kills, scarcity is wisdom'. Truly recommend! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoWgEOxoQy4
Alicia RM
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Less is more. I think when we have many things, we don't enjoy them. We need to have less things to enjoy them better.
Letícia Rocha
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I have been studying about how have less stuff means in our life. So I realize that having less stuff we have more space to be happy
Anthony Miranda
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What I do is less is more is that I don't have tons of material things like clothes and electronics
emma rodriguez
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In my personal life I manifest less is more by the way I buy clothing. For example when buying clothing I like to choose a few staple pieces I can layer with other pieces of clothing rather then buying a bunch of random shirts and pants I do not need and in the end will cost more and use more space.
Ildirim Zhamaeva
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I think, it means like "more you get rid of unnecessary things, more you'll have space". Big space-clean space. Clean place-clear mind, so you'll focus on things that you love to do or must finish. Also, it means that you won't need do a lot of cleaning. But at the same time, I think if it's about house, I can't live in such houses, because I need at least one separate room to study. I can say that I like more space and less things and only with this way I can keep my mind clear. Anyways, I agree with this if it's about things in your house, but not the rooms or the area of it.
P.S. I'm from Marina's video.
Xander Orona-Beasing
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Less is more. I think when you have less stuff you have more because you can save a lot of money from not buying things your gonna use once and throw away.
Tiffany Perez
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In my personal life, the way I manifest the old adage of "less is more," because if you have a less amount of something for example, money, the less you have, the more financial problems you have. You also won't have many carbon footprints and your worries will be less. Another way I think the phrase is by the less things you have, you could have more happiness. The phrase may be used in a positive way or a negative way... It just depends what type of person you are.
Bani Kumar
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Less is more has always been an important saying, especially for me since my mom says it all the time. I think it means that visually more seems better, but actually less is more. The less you spend, the more money you have left. It might not satisfy you, but you have more space, more freedom
Graciela McHenry
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Less is more is a saying that you need to think and give deep thought to. It is not only less materialistic stuff, but the other things that may weigh you down. There is a saying...if you want to fly then you have to let go of what makes you sink. Less is really more at the end of the day.