How whales breathe, communicate ... and fart with their faces - Joy Reidenberg
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anatomist Joy Reidenberg studies the body structure of many different
animals in the hope of adapting their unique qualities for human
applications. Her favorite? Whales. In this TEDYouth Talk, Reidenberg
explains how these majestic, awe-inspiring mammals "fart with their
face" (a process more formally known as echolocation) to send their
unique sounds through the water.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
Here's more about Joy's research.
The award-winning series that gets under the skin of the largest animals on the planet. Most wildlife documentaries show how animals behave, but by exploring their anatomy, Inside Nature's Giants reveals how these creatures really work. More about Joy's work on this show.
Veterinary scientist Mark Evans and comparative anatomist Dr. Joy Reidenberg dissect a sperm whale’s enormous organs to reveal the secrets of this 45-foot deep-sea giant, which stranded and died on Pegwell Bay, Kent, England.
“The truth was too hard to explain,” she said: “ ‘Don’t mind me, I was inside a whale yesterday.’ ” Read the entire article in the New York Times here.
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- Speaker Joy Reidenberg