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How to use rhetoric to get what you want - Camille A. Langston


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How do you get what you want, using just your words? Aristotle set out to answer exactly that question over two thousand years ago with a treatise on rhetoric. Camille A. Langston describes the fundamentals of deliberative rhetoric and shares some tips for appealing to an audience’s ethos, logos, and pathos in your next speech.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Camille A. Langston
  • Script Editor Alex Gendler
  • Director Hector Herrera
  • Producer Pazit Cahlon
  • Sound Designer Nick Sewell
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by TED-Ed

According to most rhetorical theorists; rhetoric, or any act of communication, is persuasive. Oftentimes, those messages are underhanded or manipulative, such as speeches from politicians or sales campaigns from advertisers. Instead of using rhetoric for selfish gains, as in “getting what you want,” how can we use rhetoric in ways that are more unives?

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Avatar for Suri  Stout
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This is good to help spread knowledge, but can be used as bad as well.

Avatar for Gavin Ferretti
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Using rhetoric pathos, leaders can help guide a country(s) during a time of global confusion and chaos to help try and create peace, and tranquility to calm a distressed country(s).

Avatar for Ferda Bayazit
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What does "unives" mean?

Avatar for Joselyn Mena
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Using rhetoric ethically, a leader inspires environmental action through shared responsibility and open dialogue.

Avatar for Yamely Lopez
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We could use rhetoric to share positive thoughts and make us have a better mindset.

Avatar for Jacob Ortiz
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Well, I think we can use this for good like spreading knowledge and insight. However like a anything it can be used for bad as well.

Avatar for Álvaro Orlando Beckeld
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There are many causes that must be infected, some of them: the environment, healthy eating and the purpose of life.
We can also use persuasive appeals like Logos that uses logic and reasoning. In this way, we can show an ad about a product and make the audience use their logic to see if it attracts them.

Avatar for Piper Hansill
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Rhetoric, rather than being used for manipulation of customers or political goals, should be used when trying to inform and correct changes of the past. Often, those of older generations see things as fine when the new generations see a need for change. Rhetoric can be used to alter the response of "this is how it's always been, and therefore, it's okay."

Avatar for Melissa Negrete
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rhetoric can be used for the knowledge that may bring others towards bettering themselves . persuasion should use more logos rather than pathos


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