How schools can nurture every student's genius - Trish Millines Dziko
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Forget home economics and standardized tests, education visionary Trish Millines Dziko has a much more engaging and fulfilling way for students to develop real-world skills. Get schooled by Dziko as she shares how project-based learning can transform public education and unlock genius for the next generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, ideators and leaders.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
Although standardized testing is a particularly hot topic in education right now, this approach to measurement has been in use for two millennia. And while the results of standardized testing can help us understand some things, they can also be misleading if used incorrectly. So what do these tests actually measure? And are they worthwhile? Arlo Kempf investigates in this TED-Ed video.
Check out the Technology Access Foundation (TAF) blog and stay on top of the latest stories about their students and teachers.
Learn how the TAF academic model can help redefine classrooms in your school system.
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- Speaker Trish Millines Dziko