How does cancer spread through the body? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun
20,592 Questions Answered
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Cancer usually begins with one tumor in a specific area of the body. But if the tumor is not removed, cancer has the ability to spread to nearby organs as well as places far away from the origin, like the brain. How does cancer move to these new areas and why are some organs more likely to get infected than others? Ivan Seah Yu Jun explains the three common routes of metastasis.
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- Educator Ivan Seah Yu Jun
- Animation Artist Andrew Foerster
- Script Editor Michael Molina
- Narrator Addison Anderson
by TED-Ed
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How can the public collaborate with scientists and doctors in order to devise better solutions and treatments against this monstrous disease?
As we continue to have a better understanding of cancer, we also realize that cancer is much more complex than we previously thought.
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Funding or donating to cancer projects, as well as letting doctors test on people who have cancer.
megan brown
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People can help dr’s ideas with testing. Also have some cancer research in people community. And provide more idea.
Dana Rodriguez
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The public can collaborate with scientists and doctors by staying informed and making sure to support and fund different campaigns and research that go towards solutions for cancer. It is also possible to bring attention to state legislatures so more awareness can be raised.
Marcos Santaella Oliveros
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I think that the best way the public could collaborate would be through donation of stem cells and bone marrow. Another way could be to undergo experimentation and give feedback in order to understand better the disease. Another way would be to fundraise cancer research.
Oleksandr Humeniuk
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One of the ways people can collaborate with scientists is by helping them research cancer. What I mean by that is allowing scientists to test, analyze, and investigate people with cancer. This data will help to answer enigmatic questions about cancer, and therefore, help people avoid it in the future.
Minty Bird
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I have found that lowering consumption of carbs and sugars has a positive effect on your health, henceforth slowing or killing cancer. This occurs because so much of today's food is genetically modified, which can make you more likely to contract cancers. Also we need to ensure that vaccines are safe. I am wary that the ingredients are shielded from the common people, therefore I feel that they need better researched and should not be mandated in California and New York to attend public schools.
Elijah Pohl
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We can learn how what cancer symptoms and submit our hypothesis to be studied by scientists. Although cancer is complicated, we probably will eventually find cures that work.
Nathaniel Williams
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yo yo yo
Madison Jordan
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The public could help collaborate with scientists and doctors by supporting them financially that way funding never runs out and their incredible research can continue along. They could also try to be a little more open to the scientist experimenting on different ways to treat and/or possibly cure this cruel disease.
Diligence P
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The public can help pay for scientific experiments. They can also help by spreading the word about cancer, and perhaps even research and educate others about ways to prevent cancer.