How breathing works - Nirvair Kaur
32,553 Questions Answered
TEDEd Animation
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We breathe constantly, but have you ever thought about how breathing works? Discover the ins and outs of one of our most basic living functions-- from the science of respiration to how to control your breaths.
The word ‘Inspire’ means to breathe in new air. We say we’re inspired when we come up with a great idea or get a burst of energy to start a project. Those dynamic moments rarely hit us when we are stressed or tense, but instead tend to happen when we’re relaxed and at ease. Why do you think we need to breathe comfortably to let in new ideas? What are the circumstances and surroundings that ‘Inspire’ you to create and be yourself?
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Nirvair Kaur
- Animator Santiago Uceda
- Narrator Nirvair Kaur