Equality, sports, and Title IX - Erin Buzuvis and Kristine Newhall
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In 1972, U.S. Congress passed Title IX, a law which prohibited discrimination against women in schools, colleges, and universities -- including school-sponsored sports. Before this law, female athletes were few and far between, and funding was even scarcer. Erin Buzuvis and Kristine Newhall explore the significance and complexity of Title IX.
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- Educator Erin Buzuvis, Kristine Newhall
- Director Kat Llewellyn
- Narrator Sarah Charles

by TED-Ed
Title IX was passed over forty years ago, and much progress has been made. Yet there is still gender inequality in sports.
Why does inequality still exist? What more can be done to increase the rate of progress towards equality?
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Harry Connerty
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Inequality still exists because of society's acceptance of roles and stereotyping of social organization by class or class systems and economic disparity as well as legislation and political inequality. I think what can be done to increase the rate of progress towards equality is we need programs investing in women's solutions that make it easy for people to join.
Michael Galy
Tours, France
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I think that today women and men can do new sports and have the same level in the ninja warrior or crossfit disciplines.
There are even cool structures for training.
Thiago Jeunon
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The inequality is related to our cultural background that gives more value to male athletic acomplishments, resulting in a bias towards male financing, therefore giving privelege to male athletes. For this reason, the law itself is not enough to garantee equality. Promoting conciousness about female sports with changes in the perception in minds and hearts of the people.
mel issa
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in response to Romina Carrion Ro Show comment
I agree with you!
Romina Carrion Ro
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I think schools can encourage girls a lot more, so they have opportunities to play sports. #GirlsAndBoysHaveTheSameOpportunities
Manal Al Enazi
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I think the schools should interest its girls students to do sports. And make a nice place and locker rooms and every thing that's girls need to do sports.
Montserrat Velázquez
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Because there may be thousands of organisations against inequality, but if people do not change their attitude, we can never reach the goal that these organisations set, since the ideology there is is that men and women do not have the same skills.
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The inequality starts in the house and it is when man or women don’t live in an enequality form
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Gender inequality persists today due to the education received from a very young age, our grandparents being raised in a way taught our parents in the same way and in some way us too but the impact of a new thought In the new generation that way of seeing the world has changed, but unfortunately these new thoughts do not reach everywhere as they are not accepted by everyone. The only thing that can be done is to educate the new generations with the idea of gender equality and hope that the retrograde idea of inequality will disappear since it is easier to educate than to re-educate.
Brian Rebre
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I think that girl can play certain sports that mwn play but not all of them just because they would be physically better then them