Equality, sports, and Title IX - Erin Buzuvis and Kristine Newhall
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In 1972, U.S. Congress passed Title IX, a law which prohibited discrimination against women in schools, colleges, and universities -- including school-sponsored sports. Before this law, female athletes were few and far between, and funding was even scarcer. Erin Buzuvis and Kristine Newhall explore the significance and complexity of Title IX.
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Erin Buzuvis, Kristine Newhall
- Director Kat Llewellyn
- Narrator Sarah Charles
by Depen dencia
Depen dencia
Lesson completed
are they thinking equally in school?
I think so, but no, because the number of deaths has a lower percentage than men, but for a certain part it is fine because it is obvious that women do not have the same performance as men, since they carry out more "heavy" tests.
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Brian Rebre
Lesson in progress
I think some sports are only meant for men but the sports like basketball and baseball they can play