How to spot a fad diet - Mia Nacamulli
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Conventional wisdom about diets, including government health recommendations, seems to change all the time. And yet ads routinely come out claiming to have THE answer about what we should eat. So how do we distinguish what’s actually healthy from what advertisers just want us to believe is good for us? Mia Nacamulli gives the facts on fad diets.
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- Narrator Addison Anderson
by Emily Piper
Emily Piper
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What did you learn from the "Dig Deeper" section?
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MaCoy Krick
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I did not know that Detox diets are not good for your body, and they should only be used for short term.
Ashton Thatcher
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I did not know that the fad diets started in the Victorian Era and how popular they were amongst the people.
Sierra Willis
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From the dig deeper section I learned about Detox diets and how they are not that good for people. This is especially true for teenagers, people who are very active, and people who have some health problems. Detox diets are not that good and should only be used in the short term. The body is made to detox itself, so all that you should worry about is eating right.
Olivia Smith
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I learned that the detox diets are not actually good for people. It can cause health problems and only good for short term effects.
Gerardo Garcia
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I learned that not every diet out there can be healthy for us like fad diets. Some clues to know when a diet is bad is if you see that they cut too much of a source like carbs or calories. Those diets that cut stuff out may bring some good results but can make your body very unhealthy, since your body may need them to function. A good example of a healthy diet would be one that balances meals.
bryan michel
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I learn from the dig deeper section is some people eat as little fat as possible to lose weight and stay healthy, while others avoid carbohydrates. Some people are simply more motivated and compliant with their assigned diet than others. If we knew that ahead of time, we could assign everyone the diet that’s best suited for him or her. A few hours later, insulin levels fall, and calories re-enter the bloodstream for use by the body. This suggests that people with this characteristic should really focus on cutting highly processed carbohydrates out of their diet.
Nicole Cazarez
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In this video I learned the five ways to spot a fad diet.For example a diet reliant on drastically cutting back to calories.A diet asks you to only eat a specific food or combination.Also a diet asks you to replace or even skip a meal. Also about the gov. wanting to change it.
Leonel Lopez
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in response to Andrick Coronel Show comment
I strongly agree with Andrick! I too believe detox diets should only be for short term use only. Detox diets are meant to melt down chemically or naturally unwanted fats, but these are not the only things your removing during the detox period. You're also removing helpful nutrients your body needs. Detox diets are only for short term use!
Emily Piper
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in response to Ivan Arce Show comment
It's wise to include examples as you always do. Reconsider using "cuz' in an assignment.
Emily Piper
Lesson in progress
in response to arleth sandoval Show comment
Great information. To strengthen, consider including "second, third," etc. if using "first", especially when used in the last sentence.