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5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos


111,161 Questions Answered

TEDEd Animation

Let’s Begin…

Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it’s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking. Samantha Agoos describes a 5-step process that may help you with any number of problems.

Silently reflect on an upcoming choice you may encounter in the future. Compose a paragraph (5 sentences maximum) that discusses how you will employ the critical thinking to enhance your decision-making process. Be specific about how you would apply at least three of the five steps mentioned in the video.

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About TED-Ed Animations

TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »

Meet The Creators

  • Educator Samantha Agoos
  • Script Editor Alex Gendler, Emma Bryce
  • Animator Nick Hilditch
  • Narrator Addison Anderson

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