Earth School
Test yourself on the topic of climate change
Your one-stop-shop for celebrating our planet, and understanding what we need to do to save it.
Now more than ever, we need to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, and turn these ideas into action – start here! Take our climate quizzes to build your personalized learning library. Each lesson in your library has been selected to help you build an understanding of how our planet works and exactly what it’s going to take to save it. Track and share your progress with our tracker. Complete any 30 lessons to earn a certificate.
Feed your curiosity and your hope, and prepare yourself to make a difference.
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Big Picture
What do we know about our impacts on the climate and why is this issue so important? Test your knowledge on the big picture of climate change.
How rapidly can we switch to 100% clean power? Test your knowledge on energy.
Take a quizTransport
How can we upgrade the way we move people and things? Test your knowledge on transport.
Take a quizMaterials
How can we re-imagine and re-make the stuff around us? Test your knowledge on materials.
Take a quizFood
How do we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems? Test your knowledge on food.
Take a quizNature
How do we better protect and re-green the earth? Test your knowledge on nature.
Take a quizPeople & Society
How do we protect the people already suffering the impacts of climate change? Test your knowledge on people and society.
Take a quizLevers for Change
How do we enable lasting and meaningful change in solving the climate crisis? Test your knowledge on levers for change.
Take a quiz
Track and Share Your Impact
Download our tracker, challenge yourself to watch 30 videos, and share your progress along the way with the hashtag #EarthSchool on Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube. Download your 30 video tracker to get started.

Get a certificate for completing Earth School
Get a certificate for completing any 30 lessons in Earth School (including lessons you completed from 2020 Earth School). Here's how:
- Make sure you are signed into your TED-Ed account. Register if you don't already have an account.
- To complete a lesson, WATCH the video and finish all the questions in the THINK section.
- Complete any 30 lessons - you'll get a on each lesson you complete in Earth School.
That's it! You will get your certificate in an email.