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Democracy Lab

​​Lessons in exercising your voice

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Healthy democracies rely on informed citizens

Quality civics education is the bedrock of a healthy democratic society. Through curated content and supporting lesson materials, Democracy Lab lays out the building blocks of a healthy democracy, while explaining the challenges it can face, the solutions we must explore, and the exciting initiatives already helping strengthen democratic principles around the world.

Democracy Lab was developed in consultation with a group of young civic innovators. Thanks to the Civics Unplugged Fellows and the Citizen University Youth Collaboratory for their incredible collaboration.

Why democracy?

Harnessing your power

Beyond the ballot

Working across difference

Navigating the news

Want to take part in TED-Ed’s mission of spreading ideas around the world?

Through the free, accessible resources provided to educators teaching students age 6 through 18, TED-Ed Student Talks offers a platform to help youth turn their ideas into clear, concise and motivating TED-style talks in a collaborative setting.