Celebrating student ideas in a new (virtual) reality
By Valerie Quirk on December 1, 2020 in News + Updates

TED-Ed Weekend 2020 connect call
Our community of educators, students, and organizers have been on the frontlines of a quickly changing world.
In this new normal, remote learning is a staple of everyday life and in-person gatherings are limited. So many educators and students are facing the question: how can we celebrate ideas when we’re not in the same space?
We’ve pulled together inspiration from community members from the Student Talks program who have exhibited ingenuity, creativity, and adaptability during these unprecedented times.
Each of the groups had students pre-record their Talks at home on their own devices, and then chose their own unique way to celebrate their ideas.
See how different groups expertly adjusted the way they amplify students’ ideas in new and exciting ways:
La Rosa Elementary School

La Rosa Elementary School, 3rd grade showcase
Type: Live Zoom call with live Talks for a full event experience.
Presenters joined via Zoom and then each student presented their talk live, along with a stellar student MC! The full Zoom call was recorded.
Group leader: Cindi Young
Location: Temple City, California, USA
Group Leader Cindi Young reflects on her experience:
“We had a great time continuing on even after school closed. I actually feel like I had a better connection with my students on the virtual level. They were so much more present and engaged with each other. I have been running clubs for 2 1/2 years, and this showcase will hold a special place in my heart. What led to the success of the showcase is the deep connections we made during our virtual time together. My kids went home on a Friday afternoon and never came back. That was traumatizing for a lot of kids. The TED-Ed club was a place they could count on to feel connected and to share their feelings. It gave them purpose every day. They got to connect with classmates as well as me and my co-advisor. I loved it. I feel like I got so much more out of the kids and the experience online. Honestly, I think I needed the club too. I missed that connection with students. This gave me some purpose during that very difficult time.”
St. Andrew’s School

We loved seeing how students set up their at-home tripods!
Type: Pre-record full talks shared at a TEDxSaintAndrews event
Group Leader: Lisa Winer
Location: Boca Raton, Florida, USA
St. Andrew’s TED-Ed Student Talks virtual showcase featured 6 students sharing their ideas on:
The importance of female role models for boys, SATs offering Venn Diagrams so you can shade in your ethnicity instead of checking boxes, seeing the world differently, how quitting can help you find your passion and the art of daydreaming.
Students also came together to create this incredible display of digital collaboration:
“The piece was originally constructed to be a live in-person performance, the circumstances required the students to think outside of the box and shift their plans to use the space and instruments available at home.”
Los Cuates Middle School

Los Cuates Middle School
Type: Live Zoom call with pre-recorded Talks played via Screenshare on Zoom
Group leader: Abigail Benavidez and Olga Villanueva-Vega
Location: Los Fresnos, Texas, USA
About 70 honors writing students at Los Cuates Middle School in Los Fresnos, Texas began working on the TED-Ed Student Talks Program curriculum in January of this year. They had the intention of recording their Talks at a culminating event, but pivoted to hosting their virtual showcase where selected students attended the call with their families and watched each others’ recorded talks!
Mount Paran Christian School

Mount Paran Christan School
Type: Pre-recorded Talks, judged by committee. Top three finalists were featured in community news media and on school platforms.
Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
Mount Paran Christan School had a creative take on their Student Talks showcase by selecting finalists for the event. This is one way to share student ideas if you don’t have the time or resources to share all the Talks from your group widely!
These three finalists shared ideas on:
Relearning to see the colors of life through a video game, overcoming perfectionism, and wrestling a catholic monk!
Mount Carmel School

Mount Carmel School
Type: Pre-recorded Talks, edited together, streamed live on Facebook and YouTube
Location: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Students from Mount Carmel School in the Northern Mariana Islands, delivered their TED-Ed Student Talks Programs Talks to an online audience on their school’s Facebook and YouTube pages. And after great success with their first virtual event the group already hosted their second virtual event of the year!
You all have inspired us by continuing to foster vibrant communities during these tough times. We cannot wait to see what events come next!
Learn how to bring the Student Talks program to your school here
Tags: TED-Ed Student Talks, Student Talks Program, virtual events