Does COVID mess with your DNA?
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As more and more are infected with COVID-19, there's a growing group of people who have what's called Long COVID, meaning they still have symptoms for weeks or months after getting sick. While we still don't know for sure the cause of Long COVID, there's a growing body of research that Long COVID may be the result of the virus messing with people's DNA. SciShow shares the progress we've made.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
To learn more about the studies mentioned in this video,
Swedish study: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
US study: Link 1, Link 2
Norwegian study: Link 1
The DNA in just one of your cells gets damaged tens of thousands of times per day. Because DNA provides the blueprint for the proteins your cells need to function, this damage can cause serious issues—including cancer. Fortunately, your cells have ways of fixing most of these problems, most of the time. Monica Menesini details the processes of DNA damage and repair.
Learn more about the symptoms of Long COVID, what we know about it, and potential treatments with this resource.
Wearing a mask is a cheap and easy way to help stop the spread of airborne infections like COVID-19. It’s also a sign that you want to help protect other people and have them protect you… that we’re all in this together. It’s Okay To Be Smart shares a slow-motion imaging experiment to demonstrate why masks work.
Learn more about the ACE2 auto-antibodies produced after a COVID infection.
Consider the following scenario: a highly infectious, sometimes deadly respiratory virus infects humans for the first time. It spreads rapidly worldwide, and the WHO declares a pandemic. The death toll starts to rise and everyone is asking the same question: when will the pandemic end? Alex Rosenthal details the three main strategies governments can use to contain and end a pandemic.
Inside you, a daily battle is being waged and your immune system is at the frontline. Most of the time, you may not even notice it's there, but over the course of your life your immune system will guard you against hundreds of potentially fatal threats. Emma Bryce explores the different components of this system and how, together, they do their vital work.
It starts with a tickle in your throat that becomes a cough. Your muscles begin to ache, you grow irritable, and you lose your appetite. It’s official: you’ve got the flu. It’s logical to assume that this miserable medley of symptoms is the result of the infection coursing through your body — but is that really the case? Marco A. Sotomayor explains what’s actually making you feel sick.
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- Video created by SciShow
- Lesson Plan created by Lauren McAlpine