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World War I in 6 Minutes

Lesson created by Jennifer Hesseltine using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from John D Ruddy YouTube channel

Let’s Begin…

The history of World War I in six minutes is a quick and easy way to get up to speed on what the war was about. The centenary takes place from 2014 to 2018.

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Lesson creator

Questions and thoughts

What questions or thoughts do you have regarding this video, or WWI in general?

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Avatar for mariana  pineda
Lesson completed

I thought this video was very neatly put together, Although I wish it would go deeper into the reasons on why they thought this would be the end to all wars.

Avatar for Luci Dohl
Lesson in progress

What was the main cause of the war? Why did they believe it would be the end to all wars?

Avatar for Brooklyn Naney
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What are the specific to the war starting, it gave basic information but i would like to know about it in detail.

Avatar for Kashon Jones
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What exactly were the danger's and how did the soilders survive in the WW1?

Avatar for Lucas Meihaus
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What was the total death count in ww1

Avatar for steven park
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I'm not sure how to comment on one of the "Think" questions. It says there were 80,000 deaths in day one of the Battle of Somme. This is wrong. There were about 60,000 casualties, which are NOT the same as deaths. Deaths are included in casualties. So there were 60,000 casualties total, including about 20,000 deaths. Whoever wrote the question seems to have added those numbers together, then called them all deaths.

Avatar for julian navarro
Lesson completed

my thoughts on the video is its a great way to keep the younger generation entertained cause the drawings and plus its a video you dont need to read which is my favourite thing about it.

Avatar for Reese Whipple
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in response to javon cawthorn Show comment

The two countries were at war but still had great value for Christmas tradition- it was strange, yes, but important for them not to disrespect Christ. They agreed to having one day of peace, but did not maintain it as they were still enemies, both wanting to see each other fall.

Avatar for javon cawthorn
Lesson in progress

i wanna know why did the two countries come out and celebrate christmas together but then go back to war
