Why Starbucks failed in Australia
Lesson created by Cynthia Silva using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from CNBC YouTube channel
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Starbucks can be found all over the world, from Shanghai to Guantanamo Bay. But there is one continent that was uninterested in the coffee giant. Australians largely rejected Starbucks' attempted takeover, which led to an embarrassing retreat for the brand. CNBC explains what went wrong.
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- Video created by CNBC
- Lesson Plan created by Cynthia Silva
Cynthia Silva
Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Lesson creator
Do you think Starbucks could be successful if they tried expanding into Australia again? Why or why not?
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Tejaswini V M
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Yes, it is possible for Starbucks to be successful in Australia. Considering the fact that they have experience in the market and have established strong footholds in other regions globally, they will have adequate data to analyze and create a successful and sustainable business model in Australia.
Олександр Рябуха
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I think that Starbucks could be successful in Australia after a second try. They already have some experience of successful penetration into markets with great coffee culture, like Italy. Also, Starbucks is really thriving brand that can rely on globalization trends. For example, in Australia can be a bigger amount of people that like American consumer culture and they will love Starbucks
Eduardo Nagassaki
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If Starbucks wants to try to build an empire in Australia again they need to open some markets in the big cities first, after that it can try to expand to small towns, also they need to pay attention to how Australians will receive Starbucks coffee.
Garv Goyal
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I think that Starbucks has a chance in Australia if they learn from their mistakes. Australians might give them a chance if Starbucks makes a suitable menu for Australians and doesn't open too rapidly and adapt their. Starbucks' reputation there will be something holding them down.
Dong Hyuk An
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They would if they developed slowly understanding of Australian culture. But they wouldn't if they just rushed again.
Bao Dang
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in my opinion, Starbucks certainly successful in Australia because they was failed in past so now i have lesson for it and they was learned a lot of about it. From that they research about coffee industry in Australia and they know Australian need what in coffee, base on it they will come back expand again. it will more successful.
Kierstin Ford
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I don't think it would be successful in reattempting to open in Australia because the people already know what they serve and already developed a natural dislike to Starbucks coffee.
서현 허
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Starbucks could be successful in Australia if they admit that they failed in Australia and realize why they failed in Australia.
Chandler Claire
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100%. they learned from their mistakes and know how to go about establishing themselves again. could be difficult due to covid though.
Leilani St. Pierre
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If they go slowly, understand the people in Australia, then they could possibly expand in Australia once again.