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Five simple strategies to sharpen your critical thinking


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Is the sky really blue? That might seem obvious. But sometimes things are more nuanced and complicated than you think. Here are five strategies to boost your critical thinking skills.

Additional Resources for you to Explore

Navigating the complexities of information in the digital age requires a nuanced approach. To gain a deeper understanding of cognitive biases like confirmation bias and logical fallacies such as straw man arguments, websites like Psychology Today and Logical Fallacies provide comprehensive explanations and examples. Learn how to break the confirmation bias bubble with this video produced by MediaWise

Understanding the importance of intellectual empathy in constructive dialogue can be enhanced through articles on platforms like Greater Good Magazine and in this article from The Conversation, which argues that “being humble about what you know is just one part of what makes you a good thinker.” This review in Nature synthesizes findings found in empirical approaches to the study of intellectual humility. It discusses the pros and cons of intellectual humility for personal decision-making, interpersonal relationships, scientific inquiry, and society as a whole. 

To explore critical thinking and information literacy further, check out the Critical Thinking Community and the Information Literacy Project

Additionally, for insights into the impact of online behavior such as sea lioning and its effects on discourse, The Atlantic has published several articles worth exploring, which delve into the complexities of online interactions and the importance of fostering constructive dialogue.

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