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Early birds vs night owls

Lesson created by Kim Preshoff using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel

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Do you wake up early every day or do you stay up late every night? Waking up early would mean you are a morning person, staying up late into the night would make you a night owl. What effect might this trait have on your personality? Intelligence? Success rate?

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Are you a self-described early bird or night owl? Do you think this is helpful or harmful? Explain your thinking.

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Avatar for eileen sparling
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I'm a night owl- I loved this video because it explains some of my issues so well!- It takes me a while after my alarm goes off for my brain to kick in and open my eyes even- I start work at 7am for early shift and get up at 530/6am- I feel tired throughout the day! - when working late shift I am awake, never late and happy to stay longer if needed.
It's just very interesting.. My husband is an early bird and is often asleep by 9pm

Avatar for Montserrat Rubio
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I am a night owl. I think that it is harmful because I feel tired all day.

Avatar for Karissa Lopez
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I'm a night owl and being one has it's disadvantage with schools because you have to wake up so early.

Avatar for Zeneryia Rodgers
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I am a night owl. I think it is helpful because during the day I do not have the energy to do my classwork but luckily it is due at 11:59pm. So, I just finish my work at night

Avatar for Isabella Sharpton-Student
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I think I am a night owl. but my brother is an early bird

Avatar for Angelina Patino
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I self-describe myself as a night owl. It's not helpful when I have to wake up early in the morning. As of right now I have a free first period so this is helpful. I don't think it's harder, it could just be more difficult if I have activities early in the morning.

Avatar for 明萱 簡
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This video let me know that night owls also have advantage. I am a night owl, but go bed early is good to health. I am studying go sleep early.

Avatar for Pei Men
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Night owl, I think. This society already gives too much advantages to early birds. Do not forget those night watchers who are protect human beings at dark. And there is a question in my mind: What will happen if a natural night owl move to another side of earth?

Avatar for Monserrate Intriago Pazmiño
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I'm an early bird. It's helpful for me. Because I can be more concentrated in my job in the day. At night I feel intellectually tired. And several doctors say it's better to sleep early.

Avatar for Monserrate Intriago Pazmiño
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I think I'm an early bird. Few times I work late at night. I thinks is good for me because I can be concentrated on the day.
