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Early birds vs night owls

Lesson created by Kim Preshoff using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel

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Do you wake up early every day or do you stay up late every night? Waking up early would mean you are a morning person, staying up late into the night would make you a night owl. What effect might this trait have on your personality? Intelligence? Success rate?

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Avatar for Afaq Bayramova
Lesson in progress

1) What does the video talk about? 2) Do you think morning people are more successful and intelligent than the night owls? 3) What does the video say about the source of this waking up early and staying up later habit? 4) WHy are night owls put at a disadvantage? 5) WHy is social jet lag term given to the night owls? 6) What does the video say about the performance of night owl university students? 7) What kind of social traits do early risers show? 8) Why does the video talk about white matter in the brain? 9) What are the traits of night owls? 10) What does the video say about cortisol levels?

1) It determines whether morning people have an advantage over night owls. 3) It says it is completely genetically pre-determined. SO, it comes from birth probably. 4) SInce most societal activities happen between 9 am and 5 pm 5) To describe sleep deprivation they experience. It feels like living in a different time zone each day. 6) They have overall lower grades. 7) Positive traits such as being optimistic, proactive, less prone to depression and addiction to alcohol or nicotine, 8) Whit matter alllows the brain to produce more serotonin or dopamine which are hormones of happiness. 9) They are more creative, have cognitive abilites and are known to be risk takers. 10) Night owls have high cortisol levels, they are stress hormones

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Avatar for Zeneryia Rodgers
Lesson in progress

1. It decides whether there is a benefit for morning individuals over night owls.
2. It claims it is per-determined entirely genetically.
3. Most social events take place between 9 am and 5 pm.
4. They undergo sleep deprivation to explain it. Each day it feels like living in a different time zone.
5. They haver lower grades overall.
6. Good qualities, such as being confident, proactive, less susceptible to depression and alcohol or nicotine abuse.
7. What matter helps the brain to release more pleasure hormones, serotonin or dopamine.
8. They are more innovative, have thinking abilities and are called risk-takers.
9. Night owls have elevated levels of cortisol and are stress hormones.