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What if all the ice melted on Earth?


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My grade 6 class was discussing climate change as part of our Science course, and I asked this question. What one species could we afford to lose to make the planet a better place? A student puts her hand up and says, "Us." The class then began to look at all of the things humans(Us) have done to this planet which have negatively impacted it. All agreed-either we have to change or we will all go.

Additional Resources for you to Explore

Let's start at NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Whether it's weather, climate change or to learn more about our oceans this site is a great resource for students and teachers. 2019 saw a great rise in climate activism led by Greta Thunberg and motivated youth around the world. Here is a link to the Global Climate Strike website to learn more about how you can get involved in your country. Greenpeace has long been the global voice of awareness to climate change, habitat destruction and the exploitative practices of polluters, poachers, and policy makers.The video mentioned seismic blasting. This web site offers more information on this dangerous practice that is placing our Arctic Home at risk. What can you and your school do to help raise awareness about this important topic? This is another cool TED Ed Lesson called What's the difference between weather and climate.Want to know where all of the Earth's water is? Just ask the USGSThe movie An Inconvenient Truth by former Vice President Al Gore and has become required viewing for anyone interested in making a difference in the global fight against climate change. (This link offers a 3 minute preview)

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