Solving the overfishing problem requires governments to listen to advice from scientists. The quotas for fish stocks should be related to sustainable yields. To learn more about sustainable fisheries read this to know more about overfishing? Check out this website ocean is full of incredible creatures that have had to adapt to the changes we humans have made in their homes in order to survive. To learn more about a unique population of blue whales in a country where 66% of the population depend on fish for protein, and to learn of the problems they face due to human action, explore this website Watch this video by eminent scientist Dr. Jeremy Jackson to learn more about the shocking state of our oceans today: fish stocks in the state they are in today, chefs around the world are faced with a big dilemma, how to keep fish on the menu without contributing to the increased decimation of current stocks. Chef Dan Barber tells the story of "an outrageously delicious fish raised using a revolutionary farming method in Spain." learn more about how overfishing is changing the world and what we eat, watch the eye-opening documentary "The End of the Line".