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How to understand power - Eric Liu


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Every day, we move and operate within systems of power that other people have constructed. But we’re often uncomfortable talking about power. Why? Eric Liu describes the six sources of power and explains how understanding them is key to being an effective citizen. 

Additional Resources for you to Explore

Understanding power dynamics is crucial for navigating societal structures and effecting positive change.  Watch Eric Liu talk more about these ideas in his TED talk, “Why ordinary people need to understand power.” Interested in what power really is, who has it and why? Take a look at Citizen University, watch some great presentations about various topics at Citizens University on YouTube, and consider attending the next conference. Watch this introduction by the Citizen University founder Eric Liu. In which direction would you like to push your country?

What would a citizenship agenda look like? How can we revitalize citizenship for every person in America? Read these articles: We Need A Path To Citizenship for All Americans, Not Just Immigrants and Why Civics Class Should Be Sexy by Eric Liu and find out. How can we “Americanize” the current curriculum in schools to envelope these ideals? Ask you global studies teachers about their ideals and how the current situation can be changed for the better. Find your voice. Ask for changes.

Is being a good citizen important to you? What have you learned about citizenship in school? Read this TIME article: Can We Teach Kids to Be Good Citizens? Get some new ideas! What would a civics curriculum look like? Here are some ideas from Stanford Center on Adolescence. How does your school compare? Has your schooling taught you to be both a good student and a good citizen? If you really want to take this idea to another level, plan a Sworn Again America Ceremony! Follow some of the ideas presented in this TED Ed lesson and inspire a group of people to get involved with you.

What is patriotism? Does the word make you uncomfortable? What does it mean to you? Read this article and find the three components of citizenship. Then, watch as Eric Liu talks about his speechwriting experience for President Clinton, how to ”show-up,” and get involved locally. Have you ever been involved or wanted to be involved in a community concern? Become something other than a spectator!

For more on this educator and author follow him on Twitter: @ericpliu or visit the Guiding Lights Network.

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