How An Igloo Keeps You Warm
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If you ever find yourself stranded in the snowy Arctic (or bored in Minecraft), you’re gonna need to know how to build an igloo. But how can building a house made of ice keep you warm? It's Okay To Be Smart explains.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
TED-Ed: The Arctic vs. the Antarctic
TED-Ed: Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in a coal mine
TED-Ed: Can animals adapt to climate change?
Smithsonian: The First People to Settle Across North America's Arctic Regions
LEARN MORE from It's Okay To Be Smart:
There really ARE 50 Eskimo words for snow
PBS Idea Channel - An Infinite Number of Words for Snow
Why there’s no such thing as cold
How to build a scientifically perfect igloo
TED-Ed: Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in a coal mine
TED-Ed: Can animals adapt to climate change?
Smithsonian: The First People to Settle Across North America's Arctic Regions
LEARN MORE from It's Okay To Be Smart:
There really ARE 50 Eskimo words for snow
PBS Idea Channel - An Infinite Number of Words for Snow
Why there’s no such thing as cold
How to build a scientifically perfect igloo
About TED-Ed Best of Web
TED-Ed Best of Web are exceptional, user-created lessons that are carefully selected by volunteer teachers and TED-Ed staff.
Meet The Creators
- Video created by Be Smart
- Lesson Plan created by Alexandra Panzer