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Could we stop an asteroid?

Lesson created by Andrew Katz using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel

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Bill Nye, the science guy, joins AsapSCIENCE, to talk about asteroids. Specifically, he looks at why asteroids can be so deadly to the Earth, as well as how we detect them and how we possibly stop them.

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Avatar for Cindy Rodriguez Dominguez
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In my opinion I think that the asteroids and ways to stop it are many, however there is a possibility that works and there is a possibility that no, but if we start to investigate more about the different ways of stopping it, there will be some ideas, the problem is that it works.The strategies of diverting asteroids can be useful to us in years but it is necessary to design them well so that they can have a good result.

Avatar for Kayne Toyosato
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I agree with Bill. There are ways to stop an asteroid, we just have to think our way through. Have you ever seen Armageddon?