Could we stop an asteroid?
Let’s Begin…
Bill Nye, the science guy, joins AsapSCIENCE, to talk about asteroids. Specifically, he looks at why asteroids can be so deadly to the Earth, as well as how we detect them and how we possibly stop them.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
The Killer Asteroids Project has a number of really cool tools to help us learn about asteroids and their impact on the Earth, including a tool to see the effects of an asteroid hitting where you live. The site also has a game comparing the risk of being killed by asteroid to other health risks.
About TED-Ed Best of Web
TED-Ed Best of Web are exceptional, user-created lessons that are carefully selected by volunteer teachers and TED-Ed staff.
Meet The Creators
- Video created by AsapSCIENCE
- Lesson Plan created by Andrew Katz