Educating a neurodiverse world | Brian Kinghorn | TEDxTeachersCollege
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If we are to create inclusive learning communities as teachers, it would benefit us to better understand Neurodiversity. Brian Kinghorn, in an empassioned talk, presents a vision for a world that doesn't just tolerate neurodivergent people, but moves towards neuroharmony: a world where neurotypical and neurodivergent people co-exist together by recognizing each others strengths and abilities.
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Taking the ideas of Temple Grandin and the suggestions in Steve Silberman's "Autism Awareness is Not Enough: Here's How to Change the World" what can you, as an educator do to help all students, no matter what their neurodivergence, find their "spark"?
Take it upon yourself to be an active advocate for the kinds of classrooms where neuroharmony is the norm, not the exception.
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