Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç
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Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence? Murat Dalkilinç investigates the hidden risks of sitting down.
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Murat Dalkilinç
- Animator Jon Portman
- Script Editor Emma Bryce
- Narrator Addison Anderson
Toni Lappalainen
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What is the best way to work at a computer?
Since sitting down and rounding your back when working at a computer is so bad for your health, what is the best way to work at a computer. Is it standing up? How to position the keyboard and monitors etc? Is it standing still or moving around constantly or from time to time?
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David Chester
David Chester
Petach Tikva, Israel
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in response to Thomas McKay Show comment
In response to Thomas's comment above, I have just written a short comment here to this same effect. The idea was good but not popular with computer nerds. There are a large number of computer chairs being shown on the internet including a few that are designed with this principle and you can find them being advertised on the internet under "computer chairs".
David Chester
David Chester
Petach Tikva, Israel
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in response to Takumi Harada Show comment
One should occupy a specially designed computer chair, which is a support which stops one from slouching over the keyboard and instead encourages one to sit with a straight back. Instead of ones weight being carried by ones buttocks, it is taken mostly through ones legs that are in a slightly kneeling situation. The chair requires that the height of the screen and keyboard are both raised compare to the usual way this is arranged. A few years ago this device was for sale, but it was not popular, and as a result this TED lesson has significance.
Sandy Trang
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Many offices are promoting standing office, where you have higher tables to work while standing up. Another option, which is recommended by some fitness trainers, is to sit on a physioball (also known as a gym ball or stability ball). It requires you to keep a good posture to balance while sitting on the ball, so some of your muscles have to work a lot.
Thomas McKay
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Some time ago I had read about a office chair that very different in design. It put the body in a kneeling position rather than sitting. Anyone aware of this design and its effects.
Jerry Painter
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Some good tips here: http://lifehacker.com/take-the-pain-out-of-standing-all-day-with-these-simple-1482600741
Takumi Harada
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I think the best way is bending and stretching on occationally and the blood flow at knee will be improved.