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Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç


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TEDEd Animation

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Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence? Murat Dalkilinç investigates the hidden risks of sitting down.

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TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »

Meet The Creators

  • Educator Murat Dalkilinç
  • Animator Jon Portman
  • Script Editor Emma Bryce
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
Avatar for Phil Quinlan
Lesson completed

I think at teachers should watch this video in that case they might understand that we need to get up and walk around once and a while.

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Avatar for Joel Yeakey
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I recall sitting at my desk working at helping someone with complex math problem and getting no results. After some time I decided to get up and walk away from the problem, once I stood up the solution came to me.

Avatar for Christine Snyder
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As a teacher, I have my students move after a lesson before starting another part of the lesson. I give them time to breathe and move. Putting away books, gathering workbooks, gathering pencils, gathering erasers, etc. Everyone has a job. Movement is key.

Avatar for Rohith Iyer
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Yes you are correct. Maybe we will pay attention better if we get break times

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