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Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç


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Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence? Murat Dalkilinç investigates the hidden risks of sitting down.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Murat Dalkilinç
  • Animator Jon Portman
  • Script Editor Emma Bryce
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
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by TED-Ed

How can we motivate people to move more and sit less? Create an advertising campaign summarizing the ideas of how you can get people up and out of their seats. Look at the lesson again and check out the Dig Deeper section for motivation.

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Avatar for Landon Locklear
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by making sitting in class not mandatory

Avatar for YVONNE LIU
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we can get very fast to get our thing doun

Avatar for Sara Mendes
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Você jovem, senhor, moça comece a se exercitar hoje e sentar menos.
Você deve estar me perguntando o por que simplesmente é porque o seu funcionamento do cérebro, a sua respiração diminuem conforme o tempo em que você fica sentado, sabia? Com certeza não...

Avatar for Josie Sameon
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Are you one of those who sits all day? Whether it is to study for an exam, attend a 4 hour class, or work, still be reminded that prolonged sitting is detrimental to your health. Sitting as easy as it is to perform also comes with great cost, some of this cost is you losing enough supply of oxygen in your body due to lungs being squish as you slouch for hours of sitting, putting your muscles and joints in an unnecessary strain and tension, decreasing the burning of fats, as well as reducing the amount of oxygen brain receives. All of this are just few of the detrimental effects of sitting. So how can we solve this, keeping track of your sitting habit such as the period of time you spent sitting and then developing a habit of setting certain period of time for movement such as short walk or stretching in between those sitting duration. It could be in every hour of sitting you set 20 mins to get up and move around.

Avatar for Aizat Maksatbek kyzy
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Why do you sit all day? Right, for studying or working.For getting the best results from work or to get the highest score by studying. But can you do it if your brain doesnt work like you want? Of course, no. You will just waste your time by sitting with zero results and extra you will get problems with your health. We can solve it just by moving every 30 minutes while you are sitting.Being stationary will reduce blood flow and oxygen, entering our bloodstream through our lungs and our brain need both of them to remain alert. As a result, our concentration is low. Just do some exercise and get the best results whatever you do.

Avatar for theint theint thu
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If you're into dancing, after every thirty minutes or every time you remember to stand up , just let your body move with your own choreography. Or you may just set an alarm to stand up or move your body in every thirty minutes.

Avatar for Leila Brown
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sit less and be more productive, because if we tend to sit all day long it's not good for your health and your brain to function.

Avatar for Faizullah Nazari
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After every 30 minutes sitting behind of desk, you need to move and walk because our body needs to circulate blood comfortably and the result our intellectual concentration get increases finally we will have a good result from our work.

Avatar for nadej  lupumba
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come up with an advertising on how the important of moving and the effects from it, how healthy moving your body is and its good for your mind. moving your body keeps a healthy mind and mindset, helps blood circulate in our bodies.

Avatar for Ekaterina Svinina
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An implant that forces exercise must be in everyone's body. In order to achieve good grades, students might do exercises in class. Children who aren't exercising shouldn't be given meals.


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