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Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç


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TEDEd Animation

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Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence? Murat Dalkilinç investigates the hidden risks of sitting down.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Murat Dalkilinç
  • Animator Jon Portman
  • Script Editor Emma Bryce
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
Avatar for Andrey Znobishchev
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Did you stand up after this video?:)

well, I was impressed, that's why I stood up)

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Avatar for Ryan Hoskins
Lesson in progress

Actually, I teach online via a computer, and I usually spend at least half the lesson standing up :D

Avatar for Grace Platt
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Avatar for Bochan Seo
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DUH poq

Avatar for Sarah Schiavone
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Yes, I did stand up lol. I thought that this video was interesting as well, plus I needed the reminder to stretch out my arms and back after sitting and doing school work for a while.

Avatar for Mary-Anne Spicer
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You can bet I did, I have been studying all day and have been trying to force myself to get up and take a break, this just kinda forced me haha. I feel much better now

Avatar for Meloni Lewis
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I wriggled around the entire time, then stood up, walked around, and went downstairs too afterwards.

Avatar for Dawn Kidd
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I have moved my computers (at work and home) to a higher position which requires me to stand, so I was not sitting when I watched the video!

Avatar for Leah Moore
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Nope, lol! I was comfy...

Avatar for Abigail Johnson
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I had just come back from a walk so I was ready to hear this great information.

Avatar for Joseph Malgeri
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in response to Steve Banko III Show comment

This is a nice distraction. Having recently completed a course called Learning How to Learn, I am taking courses in Public Speaking and Sustainability, and I am going to sign on for a course in politics after JFK.
At the moment I am prepping an informational speech, five to ten minutes long. for a class of people from all over the globe. The topic is the things you don't know about the USA. It's predicated on the assumption that most of what we know about each other comes from what we learn through the media, and media in every county frames information. I explain that many people will look at the recent events in Ferguson, NYC, Charleston, Cleveland, and elsewhere, and think we are a racist nation. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. People murder each other in every country based on themes, the dominant one being religion. What people don't know about the USA is how we suppress our own people.


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