Why do we dream? - Amy Adkins
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In the 3rd millennium BCE, Mesopotamian kings recorded and interpreted their dreams on wax tablets. In the years since, we haven't paused in our quest to understand why we dream. And while we still don’t have any definitive answers, we have some theories. Amy Adkins reveals the top seven reasons why we might dream.
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- Educator Amy Adkins
- Animator Claire Van Ryzin, Chris Anne Lindo, Sam Lee
- Narrator Addison Anderson
by Noah Tavlin
Noah Tavlin
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Share a memorable dream you've had and discuss your thoughts on what purpose, if any, it served for you.
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Aysu Abdullayeva
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A dream that repeats is that I am on an escalator and after some level, I feel that I am falling, I can't step and then I wake up every time
Aysu Abdullayeva
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one thing happened to me is when I forgot about someone I didn't think about that person for long time, one day I saw it in my dream in a good scenario that affected my actions made me remember that person and talk to that person I don't think it was message for me hahaha or maybe it was bad message that I should not contact(that was wrong action, that person is not right person and only talking to that person makes me realize it and makes me feel bad) because even I was happy and excited there were a person who should not see us or would judge us in a right way(like person who would judge us is right and has right to do it) and maybe it was small but significant warning
Gan Viking
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One day when i was a kid i can't find how to solve a problem to pass to the next level on a vídeo Game (Zelda M.Mask-N64). But I dreamed in many posibilities to solve the problem, and it helped me to figure out how to make it to the next level.
Hashley Joy Limpo
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my memorable dream is i can control it, it feels like lucid dreams and it happens everyday and i love dreaming all night because of it because i can do whatever i want, that i can't do in real life.
reagan shanley
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i dreamt about failing my math test and in the morning i remembered to study
Julia Felisberto
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I dreamed that I was with my grandma, at my house. It was very nice because I haven't seen her in years, and it felt like I was actually talking to her.
Leonardo Deleon
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My favorite dreams are when I'm able to fly which fulfills an unconscious wish for a greater sense of freedom.
Isabella valenciano
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I often dream that I am being captured by a thief
Én Kây
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in response to mylee n Show comment
because you're are too tired and your brain still falls in sleep while your body already wake up.
Én Kây
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I used to live with my grandfather in my family, take care him, see him everyday. So when my grandfather go away, I feel a whole space in my house, so seeing him again like a dream. Luckily, I often see him in my dream and when I wake up, I feel so happy. Sometimes, I don't really think too much about him, but he still being in my dream afterthat, that really peacefull.
Another situation, I dream about a lover that make me really happy and after wake up I feel regret when I can't continue dreaming like this, I just wonder whether my husband don't make me happy? I always dream about another guy? hahaaa But I really enjoy that kind of dreaming.