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Why do some people go bald? - Sarthak Sinha


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TEDEd Animation

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What do Charles Darwin, Michael Jordan, and Yoda have in common? They, like many other historical and fictive individuals, are bald. Scientists have long pondered, why do some people lose their hair, and how can we bring it back? Sarthak Sinha explores the basics of baldness.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Sarthak Sinha
  • Animator Brett Underhill
  • Script Editor Emma Bryce
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
Avatar for De Funct
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Hello... Baldness has to do with, you guessed it, the way we lose testosterone. One supreme way we lose testosterone is within our "little guys." These "little guys" are what creates babies in women. Everyone knows how babies are made. You do this and that and then a stork arrives. So, with the ever-expanding way of our genitalia after a "release" of storks, we find that our testosterone, in men, and our estrogen, in women, have decreased dramatically. This lessening of our hormones creates a lack of hormone that will improve our hair growth. When we are unlike the "wild," we act as though the "wild" is not in us. Just like when you throw a baseball, I throw the ball and I have no more ball. Sincerely, De Funct

Hello...this has not been proven because people do not discuss what storks arrive and when. So be it! This should not infringe on what data is out there. Any man or any woman who has had their hair disappear knows that their hair was there, the "release" of the storks arrived, and their hair was no longer there. This has gone on for eternity. This is why we have humans on planet Earth. In retrospect, do not use your "releasing" of the storks and you can keep your hair. I am not only the bald man in charge, I am the individual who prompts change in this field. Call me chrome-dome, shinny head, and/or bowling ball. It is fine by me but the truth remains that anyone who has lost their hair due to "activity," knows exactly what I am describing.

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